Building Networks to Shake Up Systems
East Scarborough Storefront
The East Scarborough Storefront uses the power of collaboration to support people and build community in an inner suburban neighbourhood in East Scarborough. Its service hub builds on the strengths of 35 partner agencies to bring vital programs and services—from personal finance to mental health to legal support—
to east Scarborough.
Almost 30% of the people living in East Scarborough live below the poverty line. It is home to the largest Indigenous community in Toronto outside of the downtown.
Sources: Custom Area Census Profile 2016, Census: Housing and Indigenous Peoples 2021
We leverage what is good in the community for the benefit of the community; we connect ideas, people, resources, and passion; we connect opportunities with local initiatives to strengthen the community.
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Top Right: Volunteer and resident leader Elizabeth distributing free, healthy fresh fruit to local residents at East Scarborough Storefront’s Sports Pad launch event.
Bottom Left: Handing out doughnuts at the summer backpack drive for local families
We acknowledge we are on the traditional territories of the Huron-Wendat, the Anishinabek Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. While Indigenous communities in Toronto remain strong, vibrant, and resilient, they need support to address and overcome the impact of colonialism and systemic inequalities. Furthering Indigenous reconciliation and sovereignty are integral to achieving a more fair and just society where everyone can thrive.
We aim to be an ally and to fund local Indigenous organizations.