Research and reports


Resources to Inform Your Philanthropy

Understanding Toronto’s strengths and challenges is the key to informed philanthropy and civic engagement. Our research and reports are designed to surface the data, analysis and voices of lived experience and experts doing the heavy-lifting on the ground.

Giving Guides

This year's Good to Give Guide is different. It features some of the smallest organizations we’ve ever funded and recommended to fundholders. Small groups know their communities and draw neighbours together to imagine and build a better future. Read the guide. 


The 2023 Toronto's Vital Signs Report outlines troubling patterns of social isolation, economic stress and declining mental health in Toronto, corresponding with a long-standing and persistent downward trend in civic engagement. But raising alarm bells is not enough. This year we're focusing on the problem that underlies them all—restoring the connection between us and our city. It’s time to get involved and reignite our love for Toronto.

Watch Vital Signs Videos:

Social Capital Studies

The Toronto Social Capital Study 2022 is the most in-depth look at social capital in the city. Released by Toronto Foundation and the Environics Institute, along with 15 partners, the report covers Torontonians' wellbeing based on their social networks, social trust, civic engagement and neighbourhoods support.

Results show who's disconnected and why that matters to city's health. Read our Toronto Social Capital Study 2022 today.


Our annual reports reflect on the progress we’ve made advancing our strategic goals and achieving our vision of a city of informed and engaged philanthropists accelerating meaningful change for all. Read our current report to learn more.

Separately we’ve also included more detailed financial statements. 


Social Impact Investing Report

From June 2020 to June 2021 we pooled more assets to maximize our impact. We also stepped into new territory. Read stories on our latest three investees and a reflection from chief operating officer, Denise Arsenault.

The Trust Collective: Our Shared Journey highlights the three-year collaborative learning journey to advance gender equality, involving more than 50 women philanthropists and women-led and/or women-serving charitable organizations.

A first-of-its-kind campaign for Toronto Foundation, the idea was to share power between philanthropists and charitable leaders to address the issues faced by women and girls in our city and beyond—and reimagine what women-led philanthropy can look like. Read the report

We acknowledge we are on the traditional territories of the Huron-Wendat, the Anishinabek Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. While Indigenous communities in Toronto remain strong, vibrant, and resilient, they need support to address and overcome the impact of colonialism and systemic inequalities. Furthering Indigenous reconciliation and sovereignty are integral to achieving a more fair and just society where everyone can thrive.

We aim to be an ally and to fund local Indigenous organizations.