#TOVitalSigns Summaries and Media Coverage

In this year’s Toronto’s Vital Signs report we’ve compiled more data than ever before and the evidence is clear: Toronto is not working for all – and inequality has become the new normal.
The report tracks 10 key determinants of quality of life in Toronto and references more than 294 unique reports and data sources, as well as contributions from more than 100 experts and grassroots leaders across sectors.
This is a must read for every Toronto resident, and we need to recognize our shared interest in facing the issues undermining the livability and vibrancy of our city.

The following media coverage and issue summaries are a great way to dive into the report:

Income and Wealth

Health and Wellness



Getting Around


Work: https://torontofoundation.ca/vitalsigns-issue-3/
Arts, Culture, and Recreation: https://torontofoundation.ca/vitalsigns-issue-4/
Civic Engagement and Belonging: https://torontofoundation.ca/vitalsigns-issue-7/
Learning: https://torontofoundation.ca/vitalsigns-issue-9/

Want to know more?