Public Action
Learn and act with us
This is where you’ll find our work and initiatives in support of Toronto that fundholders can adopt or join in with. Whether it's responding swiftly to urgent challenges or participating in a learning journey, there are a variety of ways for us to learn and act together.
The Toronto's Vital Signs Report tracks 10 key quality of life indicators in Toronto.
It serves as an annual snapshot of the trends and issues affecting our city and an actionable tool for policy-makers, community leaders and philanthropists.
The 2023 Toronto's Vital Signs Report details social isolation and economic stress as well as declines in mental health and civic engagement. But raising alarm bells is not enough. This year we're focusing on the problem that underlies them all - restoring the connection between us and our city.
Learning Program
A program for fundholders that centers on learning, understanding the new philanthropy and supporting community priorities.
#Canada strong
In support of the victims of Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 75.
#Toronto Strong
In support of the victims of the 2018 van attack.
For more information, contact:
Sarah Pendleton
Project Manager
416-921-2035 ext. 228
We acknowledge we are on the traditional territories of the Huron-Wendat, the Anishinabek Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. While Indigenous communities in Toronto remain strong, vibrant, and resilient, they need support to address and overcome the impact of colonialism and systemic inequalities. Furthering Indigenous reconciliation and sovereignty are integral to achieving a more fair and just society where everyone can thrive.
We aim to be an ally and to fund local Indigenous organizations.