Toronto's Vital Signs Report tracks quality of life for Torontonians across 10 issue areas. In our 19th report the problems are persistent but not new. Let’s focus on the problem that underlies them all—restoring the connection between us and our city.

On this page you’ll find the facts, but also the inspiration to reignite your love for Toronto. Join the #PowerOfUs.


Toronto's Vital Signs tracks 10 quality of life issue areas. So, how are Torontonians doing?

Civic Optimism Map

See how Torontonians are reconnecting with each other and this city, including the 35 Power of Us Microgrant recipients (orange pins). If you're feeling inspired add your own commitment – simple actions count too!

For map issues contact:

+Add your act


Share your personal action or commitment to reconnect with the city and community.
ex) Moncur Park could use more love! I’ll be convening neighbours to talk about their ideas and how to make them happen. - Claire, East York

Small groups of people standing in a park. Tables and trees in the foreground and houses in the background.


Show how your workplace is connecting and getting into the community.
ex) We're spending our holiday party budget on going the theatre, knowing how hard the pandemic hit the arts community. -Toronto Foundation

Poster for a play titled, “Natasha, Pierre and the great comet of 1812”. A women standing holds her arm up towards a bright light.


We challenged Torontonians to connect with their neighbours.
Volunteer Toronto and Toronto Foundation awarded 35 resident-led groups funding to organize initiatives in their communities across the city. More about the program below.



Toronto Foundation and Volunteer Toronto are excited to announce the 35 Power of Us Micrograntees - resident-led groups, grassroots organizations, and informal collectives that are leading initiatives to help reconnect Torontonians to their neighbours and city. Find them on the map above using the orange pins.

The groups are receiving $1000 grants to support their projects happening between April and December 2024. See a list of the projects on the Volunteer Toronto website.

Last November, a call to community groups and leaders drew more than 275 applications from Rexdale to South Parkdale to East Scarborough to Willowdale and neighbourhoods in between.

An independent selection committee comprising city residents, local leaders and members of the media made the final decisions on the 35 initiatives.

Thank you to our Power of Us Microgrant partners for their generous support.

Sponsor logos for the Power of Us Microgrants. Toronto Foundation, Volunteer Toronto, United Way Greater Toronto, CAMH, Environics Institute for Survey Research, Northcrest, Toronto Zoo Wildlife Conservancy.


There are many ways to participate in and support community. Volunteer Toronto has developed new tools to help you step up your engagement and find opportunities that best suit you. 

Explore the engagement continuum to consider different ways to get involved. 

Explore 7 ways to contribute to Toronto by using the continuum of civic engagement.

Take the self-assessment quiz for personalized suggestions. 

Online quiz titled “what’s your engagement style”.

Engaged Employers

When a city thrives, so do its employers. But if we want our city to succeed, we need people to believe in Toronto again.

We asked employers from across the city to commit to one act of civic optimism over 150 days, kicking off with the release of Toronto’s Vital Signs Report in November 2023.

27 shared their initiatives. Read about how they connected with the community on our map.

Thank you to everyone who participated and to our Power of Us early believers.

State of the Sector

There are 7,737 charities in Toronto. The early stages of the pandemic severely affected the sector with key trends that have been ongoing:

  • Increased revenue fails to offset pandemic losses for many
  • Rising costs and surge in service demands strain nonprofits
  • Staffing and volunteer challenges plague the sector
State of the Sector Report

Add your act of civic optimism to the map

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