Jess and Dan set up the Lofty Investment Fund as part of the Vision 2020 initiative of the Toronto Foundation.

What’s the Vision 2020 Initiative?

More than 90 of Toronto’s Millennial and Gen X philanthropists are bucking stereotypes about their generations and
collectively pledging their own wealth to build the city’s urban resilience. Through the Toronto Neighbourhood Resilience
Project, these young philanthropists will work hand-in-hand with the City of Toronto, Toronto Foundation, community
leaders and residents from across the city to invest in projects that will strengthen the city’s social fabric.

To learn more you can read the latest from the Toronto Star

What’s the Lofty Investment Fund?

This is the fund Dan and Jess set up to support and contribute to the Toronto community they love. For them, thinking
lofty means trying new things, expanding out of the norm and building goodness for the future. These are the principles
that will guide the evaluation of the aims, organizations and initiatives their donations support. 

Thank you for your support and making Toronto wonderful!

Jess and Dan


This Fund’s granting purpose is subject to change at the request of the Donor Advisor.
To enable the Donor Advisor to properly recognize donors for their contributions, Toronto Foundation will share your contact information and donation amount with the Donor Advisor unless you have checked the anonymous box on the donation form.