Sharon Avery: My first 60 days have flown by!

saveryMy first two months at the Foundation have been a real whirlwind. Just 30 days in we released the 15th annual Toronto’s Vital Signs Report – highlights from which you can peruse in this month’s newsletter.
For me, one of the best parts of Vital Signs season has been the opportunity to shed light on how philanthropy is moving the dial on many of the issues identified in the Report. This year, we profiled the work of exceptional city builders that partner with the Foundation. Like professional advisor, Brenda Lee-Kennedy,  and long-time philanthropist, Fran Deacon, featured in this story in the Globe and Mail. And Toronto Foundation Fundholder, Claire Duboc, and Toronto Life Editor, Sarah Fulford, who joined me to discuss city-building philanthropy at the Report launch event earlier this month.
We know that city building takes on many forms and can be approached in different ways. We also know that city-building philanthropy has an important role to play in tackling some of our city’s most pressing issues.
The more we talk, share, and collaborate with each other the stronger our city will become. That’s why, moving forward, I will be using this space in our newsletter to feature a conversation with a different city builder each month. I look forward to sharing with you the insights and ideas of some of Toronto’s brightest thinkers and doers as we continue to work together to make Toronto great.
Sharon Avery
President & CEO
Toronto Foundation