Building Networks to Shake Up Systems


Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services

Toronto Association of Neighbourhood Services is an association of nonprofit multi-service organizations dedicated to strengthening local neighbourhoods and enabling diverse communities to work together to meet local challenges and create shared approaches to building community. TANS acts as a hub and anchor for social participation and connection.

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More than 200,000 people across our city lack adequate social supports. About one in 12 Torontonians report having no close family members they can call for help or talk to about what’s on their mind, and a similar proportion say they have no close friends.

Source: 2022 Toronto Social Capital Study

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Since 2015, TANS has been building a decent work movement in the nonprofit sector to ensure high standards for inclusive and racially equitable workplaces, decent jobs and fulfilling career paths. Nonprofits’ decent work practices support healthy communities and build inclusive and sustainable local economies.


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Top Right: Participants (un)learning through play.

Bottom Left: Building relationships to strengthen our work together.

We acknowledge we are on the traditional territories of the Huron-Wendat, the Anishinabek Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. While Indigenous communities in Toronto remain strong, vibrant, and resilient, they need support to address and overcome the impact of colonialism and systemic inequalities. Furthering Indigenous reconciliation and sovereignty are integral to achieving a more fair and just society where everyone can thrive.

We aim to be an ally and to fund local Indigenous organizations.