Toronto Social Capital Grantees

gold rings

Toronto Centre of Learning & Development (CL&D)

CL&D delivers programs in adult literacy, academic upgrading, leadership development, immigrant integration and civic engagement, as well as skills development, social entrepreneurship and volunteerism for youth. The organization builds social capital by strengthening community members’ capacity to navigate human services systems, engage with neighbours, create and join social networks and serve as neighbourhood champions.

CHOICE ONE - ImmigrantWomenIntergationProgram
CHOICE TWO - RamadanIftarMeals
Facts (270 × 60 px)

CL&D serves racialized communities, immigrants, women and participants who intersect many of these identities. In Canada, racialized and immigrant women both experience poverty at high rates, with 20% of immigrant women and 28% of visible minority women living in poverty.

Source: Canada Without Poverty

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CL&D partnered with 10 agencies within the Greater Toronto Area to deliver a federally funded initiative offering free training to prepare Black, Indigenous and racialized youth for jobs in the tech sector. This resulted in 159 youth who completed the program, found jobs or returned to school to further their training.


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Top Right: Participants from the Immigrant Women Integration program meet for the first time in person and pose for a photo at CL&D’s Toronto Newcomer Day booth.

Bottom Left: Volunteers serving meals during Ramadan to Regent Park residents.


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