Fallout Report



The Toronto Fallout Report captures seven months in the life of the COVID-19 pandemic in our city. This report applies an equity lens to data, issues and the analysis of the research. It documents the disproportionate impacts of COVID-19 on marginalized populations and the organizations that serve them. At the same time, it surfaces the knowledge and expertise of community leaders whose lived and professional experiences shed light on the fallout from the pandemic. Their perspectives and leadership will point the way to a more fair and just social and economic recovery in Toronto.


We hope this report will spur action from funders, policymakers, community organizations, and residents, to drive a recovery with community-driven solutions at the forefront.

A special thank you to Vancity Community Investment Bank for their contribution in making this report possible.





















November 12, 2020
Insights for an Equitable Recovery

Nonprofit leaders were sounding the alarm on inequities in this city long before March, and now the pandemic has exacerbated those divisions.

In this report we’ve captured some of the most concerning trends, but we also want to focus on the way forward. During this webinar we heard about some of the key findings of our research followed by a discussion with four experts sharing insights and ideas about community-driven solutions for recovery.


Agapi Gessesse
executive director, CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals
Amanuel Melles
executive director, Network for the Advancement of Black Communities
Lindsay Kretschmer
executive director, Toronto Aboriginal Support Services Council
Mohini Datta Ray
executive director, North York Women’s Shelter
Moderated by Tai Huynh
founding editor-in-chief, The Local


November 26, 2020
4 Scalable Ideas to Action Now
Despite the mounting financial and emotional stresses, many nonprofits and other community-inspired efforts are shining through the crisis and point the way to a better future.

Building on the findings of the Toronto Fallout Report, we’ll hear about four inspiring ideas, the organizations behind them and how those ideas can contribute to a recovery that benefits us all.

Candice Dixon and Dwayne Dixon
founders, SugaCayne Designs
Tesfai Mengesha
executive director, Success Beyond Limits
Jeffrey Schiffer
executive director, Native Child and Family Services of Toronto
Jeanhy Shim
president, Housing Lab Toronto

Following the webinar we hosted an intimate chat:

  • Toronto Foundation Fundholders Priya Vir and Paul Nagpal have launched a giving circle to support Why Not Theatre (WNT). Artistic Director Ravi Jain spoke about this innovative company’s vision for “a world with limitless possibilities for all.” Watch the video here.
December 10, 2020
Voices for Change: Advancing an Issue Over Time
Hear from four relentless advocates who have been using their voices to make incremental and monumental progress on some of the biggest challenges facing our society.

We’ll ask about the steps we should be taking now to lay the foundation for the long-term systemic change we want to see in a new normal.

Liben Gebremikael
executive director, TAIBU Community Health Centre
Neethan Shan
executive director, Urban Alliance on Race Relations
Sarah Jama
co-founder, Disability Justice Network of Ontario
Patti Pettigrew
founder and executive director, Thunder Woman Healing Lodge Society
Moderated by: Seher Shafiq
active citizenship manager, North York Community House and managing editor, First Policy Response

Following the webinar, we hosted two informal discussions:

  • Fundholder Niya Bajaj spoke about why she’s starting a giving circle on food security and how you might fund local initiatives together.
  • Anishnawbe Health Toronto’s Jane Harrison, who is the coordinator for the Mobile Healing Unit, spoke about how the mobile healthcare team is providing COVID-19 tests as well as primary healthcare, which include traditional Indigenous healing.


Thank you to the following experts for your guidance on Toronto Foundation’s evolving equity work including the public engagement on this report, as well as our next granting program and the related funding recommendations.
Agapi Gessesse
Executive Director
CEE Centre for Young Black Professionals
Gillian Perera
Grassroots Network, Centre for Connected Communities
Imara Rolston
Policy Development Officer
Confronting Anti Black Racism Unit, City of Toronto
Lindsay Kretschmer
Executive Director
Toronto Aboriginal Support Services Council
Tim Laronde
Board of Directors
Anishnawbe Health Foundation
Ismail Afrah
Grassroots Leader
Local Champions Network

You’ve read the data, heard the stories, and gained insights from community experts. Now learn how you can take action now to support an equitable recovery with community-driven solutions at the forefront.